September 4, 2021

Minutes of the Denver Branch of the National League of American Pen Women

September 4, 2021

Members Present: Atlanta Sheridan, Ray Cober, Karen Gonzales, Kay Taylor, Diane Chambers, Andrea Antico, Carol Ehrlich, Linda Volin, Sue Luxa, Cindy Massey, Eleanor Binnings

Diane opened the virtual meeting on Zoom at 9:35 am.

Inspirational Reading: Andrea read several quotes from David Sedaris, Thomas Kincaid and others on the value of audio books. Andrea read Carol’s award winning poem, “Joy in September.”

Introduction of Guests: No guests were present.

Approval of Minutes: Atlanta moved to accept the minutes as written and Andrea seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously by the members.

Committee Reports:

Website: Virginia reported that components in the site have been updated and kept current. Site health status is good. Events for the rest of the year have been added to the calendar.

Treasurer’s Report: Diane reported for Kelly Ann, Treasurer. The balance in our account at the end of July was $824.32.

Budget Report: Kay reported on a draft of the budget for fiscal year 21-22 which was sent to Diane and Kelly Ann for review. Her projections are for a net income of $85. The only change to be made will be removal of the $50 expense for the critique flyers because Ray has graciously agreed to produce them for free. The resulting net income will be $115.The budget will be brought to a vote by the membership at the next meeting.

Membership: Diane reported that no new members have contacted her. Kay noted that her friend, Karen Gladstone, might be interested in joining the group. Kay will send Karen’s contact information to Diane so that Diane can follow up with her.

Outreach: Diane reported that four Tapestry panels remain. There was some discussion about placing one of the panels at Candlewick Apartments. Carol and Andrea will investigate this possibility. Ray volunteered to ask his college and university contacts for recommendations on other possibilities for placement of the panels. Andrea will investigate another placement in a pedestrian tunnel near Parker and Mississippi. Karen will make an inquiry with a contact at DCPA.


Atlanta reported that the critique group will restart in September on Friday nights. Any members desiring to join the group should contact her. Patricia Brooks will present on Marketing Strategies in October. November’s speaker, Dani Alcorn, will present on “Show Not Tell.” December will be our holiday meeting. The group discussed a possible April field trip to the Central Library to look at the Pen Women archives. The trip would be in lieu of an April meeting.

History: Diane reported that the position of historian is still open. She invited our former Historian, Aimee, who now lives in North Dakota, to remain a member of the group.

Old Business: Linda reported that she is working on producing an on-line version of the group’s interview project. She has contacted the few remaining members who still have to submit their interviews. She is also writing a piece for the Pen Women magazine about the project highlighting similarities and differences in the members’ lives.

New Business: Diane asked if members had had an opportunity to read the proposed Amendment to the Bylaws of the National Pen Women constitution. She noted that any changes to the amendments are due to National by October 1st.

Announcements: No announcements were made.

Diane adjourned the meeting at 10:26 am.

Respectfully submitted by,

Kay Taylor

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