NLAPW–Denver Branch
Meeting Notes
March 7, 2015
I. Members in attendance: Andrea Antico, Sophia Baldwin, Diane Chambers, Beverly Chico, Donna Clark, Kelly Ann Compton, Ruthy Wexler, Jody Glittenberg-Hinrichs, Pat Kennedy, Ann Klaiman, A. Marie Kriss, Juanita Pope, Virginia Small, Kay Taylor, Sheila Phelan Wright
II. Guests in attendance: Ron Minson, Anne Gross, Kimberly Hamelin, Kathleen Visovatti, Mary Marcus, Alana Story
III. Today was our Branch’s 7th annual March Guest Critique event. Five guests read aloud to the group something they had written. Our Branch Members responded to each presenter with comments and suggestions. All five readings inspired animated discussions. After the five critiques, we enjoyed box lunches and good conversation. The event ended with Kriss sharing information about NLAPW in general and our branch in particular. Pat K. shared how she has benefitted from being a part of our Denver Branch and the Intensive Critique Group . Four Branch members read their poems that had been published in Women’s Voices of the 21st Century: Experiences That Shape Women, a book put together by the Greenwich, CT Branch of NLAPW.
IV. The gathering ended with several of the guests expressing interest in joining NLAPW.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kelly Ann Compton