National League of American Pen Women–Denver Branch
Meeting Minutes
August 2, 2014
I. Ruthy Wexler called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m.
II. Members in attendance were: Andrea Antico, Sophia Baldwin, Eleanor Binnings, Beverly Chico, Donna Clark, Kelly Ann Compton, Ruthy Denker/Wexler, Jody Hinrichs, Pat Kennedy, Marie Kriss, Jo’el Roth and Sheila Wright.
III. Guest member from Florida, Lorraine Walker Williams, was also in attendance.
IV. Inspirational Reading: Kelly Ann shared a Michael Jordan quote—”I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
V. The July Minutes were approved as written.
VI. The July Treasurer’s Report was accepted. Our current balance is $2,732.13.
VII. Committee Reports:
A. The Blog Project:
1. The August/September topic is “I Never Thought I Would . . .” All members are welcome to submit to the Blog Project. Those signed up are: For August—Nancy, Virginia, Ruthy, Ann, Juanita; for September—Andrea, Sheila, Kelly Ann, Sophia. This is the last designated two-month topic. The committee will meet and discuss our future happenings with the blog.
2. Jo’el reported that there was no click spot for “As I Lay Dying” for her to make a comment.
3. After much discussion, it was decided that the October blog topic will be “Trick or Treat” and that another topic will be designated by the Blog committee for November/December.
B. Website: No report.
C. Membership, Auditor, Budget: No Budget report; no new applicants at this time.
D. Tapestry for Peace: Kriss spoke with people at National. We will be given free space for an “ad” on the National website and are welcome to submit an article to the Pen Woman Magazine. Next month, we will watch the DVD for the tapestry during our normal critique time before the meeting. Kriss will invite the woman storing the tapestry to join us.
E. Programs:
1. September—Jo’el Roth. Her topic title is: The Language of (dis)Ability: Empowerment for all!” This meeting will be held at Smokey Hill Library in Aurora.
2. October —A continuance of Lorraine Walker Williams presentation on her poetic writing journey.
3. November or January—Steve Replin, a copyright lawyer
4. December is our annual pot luck and book exchange
5. February’s speaker will be Beverly Chico’s sister who works at the Library of Congress
F. Outreach Projects: The Dakota Ridge Craft Fair takes place in October. We are hoping that with school starting up, Ann will be able to gather information about the fair.
VIII. Old Business: Andrea shared that Beverly’s exhibit and presentation of her Hats and Headwear around the World: A Cultural Encyclopedia at the Regis University library was amazing. Beverly announced that she has other programs coming up. (See Announcements)
IX. New Business:
1. On September 23, 2014, Aurora’s channel 8 will be filming Andrea reading her book to a group of children. The video will be shown during October for Bully Prevention Month.
2. Pen Woman Magazine has a section that shares what is going on in various NLAPW branches. Ruthy and Jody volunteered to work on an article about our branch. Members were also encouraged to submit poetry to the magazine.
X. Announcements:
1. Jo’el will be conducting her workshop “How to Host Accessible Group Activities For All (dis) Abilities” on November 1, 2014 at the annual conference of the Colorado Group Psychotherapy Association meeting, to be held at Naropa University in Boulder.
2. After a discussion about the fact that some of our member critiques need more than our current allotted 20 minutes, we decided that the submission being critiqued will determine whether we hold one long critique or two short critiques each month. Kelly Ann will make that determination after an e-mail discussion with the submitters. There will be no critiques for September as we will be viewing the Tapestry for Peace DVD, and have one critique possibly scheduled for October.
3. Jo’el shared her experience with Twitter and how quickly she got several “Tweets” after posting.
4. Pat Kennedy’s book has now been republished with a new publisher/printer, R&R Graphics in Longmont. She is very pleased with the workmanship and cost. Please note, that if you order her book on, you might still get the old version which has many errors in it.
5. Meeting places:
a. September—Smokey Hill Library in Aurora
b. October and November—Eloise May Library
c. December—TBD, Ruthy will talk with Gwen to see if she is planning on being our hostess for the pot luck and book exchange. If Gwen’s home is not available, Ruthy volunteered her home for December as back up, if no one else wants to do it.
6. Beverly Chico has two programs scheduled on Hats around the World: Friday, October 10, 1:00-2:30 at Eloise May Library; Wednesday, October 15, 1:00-2:30, at Smokey Hill Library. She has also been invited to participate in the author’s open house at Southglenn Library on Saturday, October 4, 2:00-4:00.
XI. The meeting was adjourned at 11:02.
Following the business meeting, guest member Lorraine Walker Williams, a published poet, gave an informative presentation of her writing journey. Thank you Lorraine!
Respectively submitted,
Kelly Ann Compton, Secretary