National League of American Pen Women–Denver Branch
Meeting Minutes
April 6, 2013
I. Diane Chambers called the meeting to order at 10:10 AM.
II. Members in attendance were: Andrea Antico, Marnie Buckley, Diane Chambers, Kelly Ann Compton, Carol Denker, Florence Elliott, Ann Klaiman, A. Marie Kriss, Shirley Ann Sheets, and Virginia Small.
III. Guests in attendance were: Sophia Baldwin, Vickie Drake, Juanita Pope, Kali Hall, and Susan Horst.
IV. The February Minutes and March Notes were approved as written.
V. The February and March Treasurer Reports were accepted. Our current balance is $1,732.23.
VI. Annual dues are to be paid to Kelly Ann by May 1. In a discussion of current dues, it was announced that National dues have increased by $20. We, the Denver Branch, discussed our branch dues. Provisional members (those belonging to the Denver Branch only) will now pay $35.00 and Students will now pay $15 to the Denver Branch.
A. Active and Associate Members dues are now $95. ($60 for National, $35 for the Denver Branch) It was agreed that the $15 processing fee for new members to National will continue to be absorbed by our branch.
B. Provisional members (those belonging to the Denver Branch only) will now pay $35.
C. Student dues are $50 to be a member of both National and Denver and $15 to belong to the Denver Branch only.
D. A discussion of guidelines for becoming an Emeritus member was tabled until next month.
VII. Committee Reports
A. Virginia reported that the website is going well.
B. Shirley Ann Sheets offered her house for our June planning meeting.
VIII. Outreach Project Updates
A. Bessie’s Hope: No report
B. Place Bridge Academy: Andrea took supplies and sent a note, but has received no response.
C. Artists’ Fairs: Kriss is looking into a couple of Farmers’ Markets. It was reported that the Cherry Creek Farmers’ Market may not work for us as we may not be able to get booth space for a single day. So Ha Highlands Ranch Festival is May 18 and 19; 3-4 members have shown interested. Woodland Park Arts & Crafts Festival on a Friday this summer has 4-5 members interested. The Conifer Newcomer & Neighbors 36th Annual Holiday Boutique will be on November 2nd. Please let Diane know if you are interested in participating in this fair.

IX. Old Business: The invitation from Denny Dressler about pooling the resources of several writing groups was discussed. Our Denver Branch decided not to participate in this.
X. New Business:
A. Sheila Wright’s idea about publishing a book of our own members writings will be discussed at a future meeting.
B. Diane reminded members of the NLAPW webinars—May’s webinar will be “The Ins and Outs of Publishing In the Digital Age.” No date has been given for this yet.
C. Our June Planning meeting will take place at Shirley Ann Sheets house. Andrea will ask a few members to be in charge of the potluck.
XI. Branch Announcements:
A. Lorrie Reed’s daughter, Victoria, has received rave reviews for her direction of a Frank Sinatra show.
B. A discussion of the number of meetings guests are allowed to attend before becoming members will need to be discussed at a future meeting.
C. An article on member Erika Christiansen will be in the April Pen Women magazine.
XII. The meeting was adjourned at 11:06.

After the meeting, we enjoyed a presentation by Florence Elliott, Susan Horst and Kali Hall on the poetry group they led at Kali’s school. Kali shared poems written by the groups members. Our own Virginia Small designed the “Poet Tree” used in the book and Kelly Ann designed and bound all the books.

Respectively submitted,
Kelly Ann Compton, Secretary