NLAPW-Denver Branch 4/7/2012 Minutes
I. President Diane Chambers called the meeting to order at 10:37 a.m.
II. An inspirational reading was read by Kelly Ann Compton.
III. Members in attendance were: Andrea Antico, Marnie Buckley, Diane Chambers, Kelly Ann Compton, Florence Elliott, Joice Fairchild, Pat Kennedy, Ann Klaiman, Virginia Small, and Sheila Wright.
Everyone introduced themselves as we had many guests in attendance. Our guests were: Pam O’Mara, Maggie Pike, Beth Schutt, Erika Christinansen, Sue Scudder, Mary Marcus, Janet James, Molly Rue and Carol Denker.
V. The March 2012 minutes were approved as written.
VI. Co-Treasurer Kelly Ann reported our current balance of $1,895.79.
VII. Committee report: Joice Fairchild will be a presenter at the NLAPW Biennial in Washington, D.C. this month. She will be sharing the DVD she has created regarding the history of the Tapestry for Peace. Joice showed the current draft of this 30-minute DVD at the 9:15 members’ critique session preceding this business meeting.

VIII. Outreach Projects:
• Place Bridge Academy: Andrea and Gwen volunteer at Place. Andrea shared that more volunteers to work with the students on writing would be welcome. It was suggested that our branch consider giving a donation again this year. Last year we donated dictionaries. Andrea will speak with the teachers to see what they might need.
• Last year we had a booth at two fairs in Conifer. It was agreed that we would like to continue doing this, perhaps one in Conifer and someplace else. Such fairs allow members to showcase and sell their books and art projects. Suggestions welcome.
• Bessie’s Hope: Ann and Kelly Ann gave a synopsis of what they have been doing at St. Andrews Village in the assisted living center the past several months. Since Ann will be out of town for the next six months, Kelly Ann would greatly appreciate another Pen Woman or two to join her in this endeavor as she would not be able to work with the group of 10-13 seniors on her own. If you are interested let Kelly Ann know. Any interested person would need to go through the Bessie’s Hope orientation, which only requires about one hour of your time.
IX. Old business: We need a new historian. Pat Kennedy explained the role of historian.
X. New Business: We need a Vice President and a Treasurer. Kelly Ann was voted in as Treasurer last month, but would appreciate someone else stepping into that role so she is not holding dual roles.
XI. Announcements:
• May 5th will be our field trip touring Frederick Printing near Chambers and I-70 followed by lunch at a nearby restaurant. Address and directions will be given in the meeting reminder e-mail later this month.
• June 2nd will be our planning meeting.
• Members, please contact Kelly Ann if you would like to have something critiqued before our June meeting.
XII. The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m.

Following the meeting, our presenter, Carol Denker, shared her experiences in writing and publishing her book Autumn Romances.

Respectfully submitted,
Kelly Ann Compton, Secretary