May 7, 2022

National League of American Pen Women—Denver Branch Minutes

May 7, 2022

  1. Linda Volin called the meeting to order at 9:36 AM. The meeting took place via Zoom.
  2. Members in attendance: Diane Chambers, Atlanta Sheridan, Linda Volin, Ray Cober, Karen Gonzales, Andrea Antico, Eleanor Binnings, Kelly Ann Compton, Janet Geisz, Sydney Popovich, Cindy Massey
  3. Guest in attendance: Pria Acharya
  4. Inspirational Reading: Andrea shared an inspirational story Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities and website:
  5. Linda moved to accept April minutes. Andrea seconded. All approved.
  6. Kelly Ann presented the Treasurer’s Report. The balance is $184.30. She will deposit checks and pay the dues. Atlanta moved to approve. Diane seconded. All in favor.
  7. Committee Reports:
  1. Membership: Diane reported new member Janet Geisz found her way to Denver Pen Women. Diane tried reaching Maria Ramirez and Pria. Ann Randolph expressed interest. She is posting on Writer’s Cafe. There are currently 15 members.
  2. Budget: Linda asked if anyone is interested in being a budget auditor. Cindy offered to be the Budget Auditor. Linda asked if anyone is interested in being Historian. Janet offered to be the Historian. She should receive the minutes, treasurer’s report and directory. Atlanta mentioned that Zoom is paid until September. She will try to put recordings of Zoom meetings in the cloud. She would also like to talk to Virginia to see if there is an email account associated with that domain and flip the Zoom over to connect Pen Women email from website to it.
  3. Tapestry for Peace: We still have two panels available. Ray explained the size to Pikes Peak Community College which they thought was too big. Janet suggested Wings Over the Rockies. Ray will inquire with them. Pen Woman had a picture of our Peace Tapestry with Diane in the front and center.
  4. Programs: June 4 – Presenter Case Lane on Guest podcasting to market books.

No meeting in July. August – Linda suggested choosing a writer and members can try to write a pastiche. Cindy has a favorite short story and Sydney said a challenge should be put out with a limited length.

  1. Old Business: Atlanta wrote a book review that was published in The Pen Woman about the book, The Arden, that Sydney wrote with Ljubo, her husband. Kelly Ann edited the book review. Kelly Ann is preparing bindings for the two hard copies of our “Who We Are” book. She reported $150 was collected for Poetry to Go.
  2. New Business: NLAPW has monthly meetings on Zoom and will be hosted by the Minnesota Branch on May 12 if anyone is interested.
  3. Linda adjourned the meeting at 10:28 AM.

After the business meeting, Thaisa Frank did not connect to the Zoom and didn’t answer emails. The members discussed what they are working on. Thaisa Frank joined Zoom meeting at 11:25am where it was 10:25am PT and thought that was the time she was on. Karen apologized because she didn’t specify Mountain Time on the invitation.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Gonzales


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