NLAPW—Denver Branch Minutes
- Linda called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m.
- Members Present: Karen Gonzales, Linda Volin, Carol Ehrlich, Rachel Seakamp, Diane Chambers, Andrea Antico, Sue Luxa, Eleanor Binnings, Kelly Ann Compton
- Inspirational Reading: Andrea read poems by Robert Frost, Emily Dickenson, and Langston Hughes about home.
- The February Minutes were approved.
- Treasurer Report: Our current balance is $589.44. The treasurer report was approved.
- Committee Reports:
- Membership—Diane reported that there haven’t been as many responses from Colorado Café since the end of the pandemic.
- Election nominations—Rachel has received twelve responses.
- Zoom—No Report
- Critique Group—Rachel has joined the group.
- Historian—Sue hasn’t received the historical items yet.
- Webmistress—National offered Virginia a 1930s poster for the Denver Branch.
- Some programs on the site were updated, some unneeded ones were deleted.
- Old newsletters were moved to the archives page.
- The site seems to be running a little slowly. This may be due to issues with the web host. Otherwise, the site is running properly.
- Programs—
- April: Irene Blea will discuss integrating diversity in writing.
- May: TBD
- June: Guest Critique at Manchester
- July: No meeting
- August: Manuel Ramos on writing mysteries
- New Business—
- It is time to vote for officers of both the national office and our Denver Branch.
- The NLAPW Biennial takes place April 26–28.
- NLAPW online events occur at 9:00 a.m. Denver time on the second Wednesday each month.
- Old Business—
- Sue shared that our branch will be able to participate in an event this fall at Windcrest.
- Tapestry for Peace—
- Placing the remaining three sections of the Tapestry for Peace has been a bit off the radar lately.
- Karen Gladstone had some ideas for places who might be interested in a tapestry section.
- Linda will speak with National about them, or another branch to take one.
- Sue will check with Windcrest to see if they would like a tapestry section.
- Diane spoke of the possibility of holding an author event at Copper Door, a coffee shop in Aspen Grove. They have a nice patio we could hold the event at.
- Andrea suggested selling books at King Soopers. She will gather information about it and share it with our branch members.
- The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.
After the business meeting, a practice guest critique session was held.
Respectfully submitted,
Kelly Ann Compton