April, 2014

National League of American Pen Women–Denver Branch
Meeting Minutes
April 5, 2014
before the meeting 4 2014

I. Diane Chambers called the meeting to order at 10:10 AM.
II. Members in attendance were: Andrea Antico, Sophia Baldwin, Diane Chambers, Beverly Chico, Donna Clark, Kelly Ann Compton, Ruthy Denker Wexler, Vickie Drake, Florence Elliott, Jody Hinrichs, Pat Kennedy, Ann Klaiman, A. Marie Kriss ,Juanita Pope, Mollie Rue, Gwen Scott, Virginia Small, and Kay Taylor. Erika Christiansen was present for the presentation following the meeting.
III. Introductions of members and guests. Guests in attendance were: Patricia Jackson, Eleanor Binnings, Virginia Daly and Juliana Adams.
IV. No Inspirational Reading today. Lorrie Reed will not be rejoining; Juanita will be taking over the inspirational readings for her.
V. The February Minutes were approved as written.
VI. The February and March Treasurer’s Reports were accepted. Our current balance is $1,917.75
VII. Committee Reports:
A. The Blog Project: The April/May blog topic will be Persistence of Memories. Ann passed around the sign-up sheet for those interested in submitting to the blog. Virginia has made a change on the website. The newest blog will be on top. She will create comments after each entry.
B. Website: Virginia reported that there are no current problems.
C. Membership, Auditor, Budget: Kriss shared that we have nine prospective members and three women ready to become members.
D. Tapestry for Peace: No report.
E. Programs:
1. May — Dr. Beverly Chico will give a presentation entitled “Hair, Halos and Hats: Women’s History Through Headwear.” This meeting will be held at Southglen Library at 10:00 am.
2. June — Our annual potluck and planning meeting will be held at Sophia Baldwin’s house. Time to be announced.
3. July and August meetings will be held at Eloise May Library. Presenters TBD.
VII. Outreach Projects:
Artists’ Fairs: Highlands Ranch Festival is on May 17th and 18th.
Dakota Ridge High School Craft Fair will be in October, 2014.
VIII. Old Business: None
IX. New Business: Two members of our Denver Branch have passed away: Ida Uchill and Doris Osterwald. Kelly requested that something be written up for each of them to be posted in the Pen Women Magazine. Gwen will write something on Ida, Ann will do a write-up on Doris.
X. No Branch announcements.
XI. The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 AM

Nick Zelinger

NIck Zelinger gave a very informative presentation on maintaining websites and using social media to promote one’s books.

Respectively submitted,
Kelly Ann Compton, Secretary


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