NLAPW—Denver Branch
March 7, 2020 Minutes
- Diane called the meeting to order at 10:03.
- Members present: Atlanta Sheridan, Ray Cober, Diane Chambers, Beverly Chico, Carol Ehrlich, Ann Klaiman, Sue Luxa, Kay Taylor, Karen Gonzalez, and Kelly Ann Compton. Cindy Massey was present for the workshop.
- Guest Present: Elaine Harding
- Approval of Minutes: February minutes were approved.
- Treasurers Report: The February report was approved. February’s ending balance was $815.47.
- Committee
- Website: We will pay Virginia $50 for designing the flyer. We will pay Atlanta $25 for printing the flyer. Ray offered to print future flyers.
- Membership: No new members. Diane sent information on Pen Women to editors in Colorado and invited them to come to meeting.
- Outreach: Our Tapestry for Peace contest is not going well. Diane and Ruthy have not received any responses. The deadline for this contest is March 31, 2020. Diane suggested that we could approach this as a contest within our branch to offer to give the panels away to schools, libraries, etc. Ray said Arapahoe and Douglas libraries might be willing to hang the panels and possibly use them in their own contests with schools. Diane asked that we think about what to do in regard to getting the panels out and we will discuss these ideas at our May meeting.
- Programs:
Ideas for May = improving your writing; Marketing via Online; Carol
speaking on getting her book published; How do you make your
characters come alive and realistic (a compassionate
- March 7–Alexandra O’Connell presents a workshop called “Tips to Improve Your Writing.”
- April 4–Guest Critique at Candlewyck Apartments
- May 2–We’re meeting at Southglenn Library, speaker TBA
- June 6–planning meeting and pot luck, location TBA
- Old Business:
- Ray Cober —Bill Pulte, a philanthropist, gives out grant money so please send ideas to Ray about what we would use a grant for.
- Elections—Cindy will be contacting us re elections.
- Guest Critique update—Put up flyers wherever you can. Let Atlanta know if you need more flyers. Our Guest Critique will be held at the Candlewyck Clubhouse. Kelly Ann will make her chocolate cake, Sue will get a gluten-free dessert. Kelly Ann will be contacting everyone about the boxed lunches.
- New Business: No new business
- Branch Announcements: Carol’s book, “More Winds: A Second Collection of Poems” has been published!
- Meeting adjourned at 10:36.
After the business meeting, speaker Alexandra O’Connell led a great workshop on writing.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kelly Ann Compton, Secretary