December 7, 2024

National League of American Pen Women—Denver Branch

December 7, 2024 Meeting Minutes

  1. Linda called meeting to order at 9:37am.
  2. Members in attendance: Linda Volin, Diane Chambers, Andrea Antico, Karen Gonzales, Atlanta Sheridan, Eleanor Binnings, Ann Klaiman, Adrian Voss, Kelly Ann Compton
  3. Andrea Antico shared her inspiration of Bella da Costa Greene, a black woman whose racial identity was kept secret for decades. She ran the Morgan Library in New York City for 43 years and was one of the most prominent librarians in American History. Andrea visited the Morgan Library and Museum.
  4. The September Minutes were approved.
  5. Treasurer’s Report was presented by Kelly Ann. She paid for Zoom and the presenter honorariums and $100 for the Poetry to Go. There is a balance of $526.20
    1. Website reports were received for the last few months but weren’t discussed. Kelly Ann will contact Virginia to ask about adding a Blog tab to the website.
    2. Critique Group isn’t meeting in December, but will start up again in January.
    3. Historian: Sue was not present, but mentioned she will get Historian information from Aurora.
    4. Membership: Diane didn’t make any attempts for new recruitments. Adrian Voss suggested Meet Up for $30 a month and will check on a discount rate for 6 months. She will let us know and we can vote in January on setting up an account.
    5. Zoom account was renewed and Kelly Ann may take it over. Karen and Atlanta will advise her.
    6. Diane motioned to eliminate Auditor position. Kelly Ann seconded. All in favor.
    7. Karen reported she contacted a presenter and the presenter asked how many are in our group and when Karen sent back a count of 10 usually, she hasn’t heard back.

January is open. Karen will google blogging presenters.

February – Unlocking Secrets of Magazine Writing

March – Writing for the Magical Community

  1. Old Business. Sue was successful selling her books at Windcrest despite the snowstorm. There will be another fair there in the Spring.
  1. Announcements: Eleanor Binnings book, Solotramp was a finalist in American Writing Awards 2024. December 11 at 9:00am is the next National Zoom Meeting.
  1. Diane motioned to adjourn meeting at 10:22am. Ann seconded. All in favor.

Savannah Gilbo presented on How to Overcome the Five Types of Imposter Syndrome at 10:30am.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Gonzales, Co-Secretary

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